Fun things to do in Rome, Italy. Part 1

Attention! This blog post is written many years ago when I was not even dreaming about becoming a professional travel blogger. You are warned that the quality of the text and/or pictures might not be the best. 🙂

Hi there! Rome is wonderful, but here in this post I am not going to describe you how stunning Fontana di Trevi is, or what did I see in Colosseo. You can find this information in seconds in other blogs with no doubts.

In this blogpost I would like to show you something, that I did in Rome throughout the year of my studies here and what I consider fun. It might be a bit touristic, but not exactly the most popular places.

So, enjoy, my fun things to do in Rome:

Aventino hill, Giardino degli Aranci

It is a well-known fact that Rome was build on 7 hills, right? You can see a breathtaking view from almost each of them. My favorite one is Aventine hill. But I adore it not only because of the view, (even though it is amazing):

Aventino hill

but because of this amazing unique atmosphere. “Giardino degli Aranci” – “The orange garden” is a park that you can walk to from “Circo Massimo” metro station, the combination of orange and green colors is so beautiful! Unfortunately, I don’t have good pictures, you should come and see yourself!:) For some reason there are not that many tourists, so you can enjoy the beauty of Rome.

fun things to do in rome italy

Something else not to miss there – to look inside the keyhole of one of the private houses right on Aventino hill. Don’t worry, you will not miss it, look for the queue! I will not show you whats inside there, but it is something worth to see too!:)

Queue key hole Aventino hill Rome

Roman carnival

Have you heard about famous Carnevale in Venice? I bet it is the most spectacular one, but there are also carnivals celebrated every year across the whole Italy! They are really fun and of course there was one in Rome too!

Carnival Rome

You can meet any type of people, like this:

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Or this:

Rome masquerade

You know, Italians really do take the task of choosing costumes seriously! I was a bit ashamed of my simple mask when I was surrounded by all those people. I felt weird, I was not normal anymore, they were! 🙂 I uploaded a video to give you an idea.

There are also lots of masquerade parties going on in the city at the same time. I couldn’t miss it of course!

Masquerade Rome

The dates are usually from mid February to beginning of March. Here you can find carnival’s dates for the next 5 years. All the celebrations are held not only on that exact day but throughout the week you will see some cool things happening here and there!

Just to give you an idea how fun it is ere is the video I captured when I was going outside just to buy bread on a normal working day. Cute kids, they like carnivals so much! I was just as much covered by the confetti, by the way!

UPDATE: Discover the best places to stay in Rome in my new article!

Christmas market in Piazza Navona

To keep up the Christmas mood we went to Piazza Navona – the market there starts to work in the beginning of December and continues working for around a month. Even though, it is as touristic as it can get, I couldn’t not mention it. It is such a magic place, which with a carousel, lots of candies and different colorful Christmas specialties, has its charm! By the way, if you are ever there, try the nutella crepes – verrry sweet, but maybe share it, because it’s big!

Piazza Navona carousel
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That was the first part of Fun things to do in Rome, hope you liked it!

Don’t forget about the second post where I describe less seasonal but even more fun and unusual things to do in Rome!

Click here to see “Fun things to do in Rome, Part 2”. See you there!

Have you been to any of those places? What would you like to visit in Rome?

Don’t forget to share and “Like” the post, as well as ask me questions, I love hearing from my readers! 


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  1. Ron 15.12.2016 at 01:34
  2. ptichkablog 25.09.2012 at 14:40
  3. pepps85 25.09.2012 at 07:12

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