Fun things to do in Rome, Italy. Part 2

Attention! This blog post is written many years ago when I was not even dreaming about becoming a professional travel blogger. You are warned that the quality of the text and/or pictures might not be the best. 🙂

Hello! This post is a continuation of the previous Part 1 things to do in Rome, be sure to read it too! 🙂

Roma Ice Club

Is it is unbearable hot and you don’t know where to hide from Rome’s heat?

I know a place! It is called Ice club.

It is a special temperature isolated place made absolutely out of ice: bar area, dance pole, seats…  Before you come inside, you will be given a special cloak that keep you warm in -5 C.  The entrance is 15 € with a cocktail (but we got a special deal on and unlimited time of stay (if you can stay long:)).  They said there was a record of 4 hours by some Russians (of course :))!

It’s cool, and you don’t have to worry about breaking  your glass! 😀

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Bar in Ice Club

Chocolate shots in Trastevere

Trastevere is a district in Rome that is always full of people, both Italians and tourists. It has lots of places to go out. An interesting one is Rivendita Libri, where they serve shots made out of chocolate.

The shots are more sweet than alcoholic, but it is cool to try! Each type of shot has a funny name like “69” and “Punto G” and so on. The price is only 3 €, why not to check it out?

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This is how you do it.

 Gay pride

I have been to gay prides before – in San Francisco and in San Diego. So I wasn’t shocked or something, it was just a bit funny seeing Italian gays on heels and with make-up, they shave their breast in any way…  We met them completely unexpected on the street right in front of Termini, got lots of free condoms! 🙂

The dates are here, hope you will catch it! 🙂

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Subscribe here to get up to 35% off your accommodation for your next trip!

Capuchin’s Crypt

Cripta Capuccini is such a creepy creepy place! You will like it if you are a medical student, or you like something unusual and blood-curdling.

First you will visit a museum that will tell you all about the Capuchin monks, what kind of tunic they wore, how did they write books and so on. Probably it is from of their clothes’ color where the Cappuccino coffee got its name.

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The museum is new and pretty cool, very new. But that’s not why we were there, right?

So, it started in 1631 when they moved the bodies of 300 dead monks to the church. Now the church contains the skeletal remains of around 4,000 bodies all arranged in different shapes of ornaments.

Everything – walls and even chandeliers are made out of different parts of bones. It has six rooms of this kind of hair-rising stuff.

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The main point of this kind of museum was to show “that the display is not meant to be macabre, but a silent reminder of the swift passage of life on Earth and our own mortality”.

And I tell you that – they really helped me to understand it. Visit it! It is right below via Veneto, ironically one of the most alive streets in Rome.

Note: even if it is a church (well, a bone church), the entrance there is not free, because in order to visit the church you will have to go through the museum. The price is 7€.

Ah, and don’t forget to cover yourself, the first time I came, they didn’t let me pass because my shoulders weren’t covered. The second time, as you can see on the picture, I brought a scarf! 🙂 Also, the pictures are not allowed as it is a religious site.

Swim in Fontana di Trevi

It was my dream for at least year! I did not make it so far to be honest, but I want to do it before I leave Rome!

UPDATE (2015): Nop, still didn’t do it, maybe it is for the best? 😉

I was waiting for Italy to win that Euro Cup, then no policemen would be able to tell me anything because everybody would do whatever they want. But they lost, so, I am waiting for some better moment, but I am sure I will do that in the near future!

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That is it for now, who knows maybe I will write the Part 3 of “Fun things to do in Rome”. I love Rome and it is one of my favorite cities on planet Earth! As I study here, I discover great things to do here literally everyday!

UPDATE: I have written a new post about the best places to stay in Rome. Check it out!

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  1. Pooja 27.09.2019 at 13:58
    • Yulia 27.09.2019 at 15:58

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