12 Fitness Tips for Travelers: How to Stay Fit on Holiday

Two people are jogging on a wooden boardwalk by the beach, with palm trees and tall buildings visible in the background under a clear sky.

Want to learn how you can stay on top of your workouts while traveling around the world, then this post with the top fitness tips for travelers is for you!

As someone who loves a good workout and also traveling I had to come up with some ways to not interrupt my fitness routine when I’m on holiday or staying in other countries for a longer period of time.

I’ve included everything I’ve learned over the years, plus some other tips from fellow travelers in this post, that I know will help you too!

So let’s check it out!

Quick Picks for Your Stay

Check out below some of the main ways you can stay fit while traveling around the world:

  • Go out on a run
  • Rent a bike to explore
  • Go hiking

1. Practice Yoga or do some stretching

The writer of the post seated on a yoga mat, twisting their torso while doing yoga in a bright indoor studio.

We all know that any holiday implies a lot of walking! That’s basically what you do every day and like it or not, it does have its toll on the body!

You can feel super stiff after a day or 2 of this and start moving a bit like a robot. My all-time cure for this while I’m traveling is to practice yoga (or do some stretching if yoga isn’t your thing).

Stretching your muscles or practicing yoga either in the morning or later during the day can really help your body and release the tension that has gathered there.

If you’re an avid yoga practitioner then you might consider going to a yoga studio and practice there.

However, you can also do a short practice in your hotel room! If you’re not sure of the sequence that you can do, just search for some videos on YouTube (there are also plenty of yoga apps like Down Dog), I’m sure you’ll find something that will suit your needs.

2. Join the local gym or a free outdoor gym

A woman is running on a tread machine in a gym.

Planning to spend around 3 to 4 weeks or even more in a place?

Then why not join the local gym there? That way, you’ll know for sure you’ll stay on top of your practice. You can either head there in the morning or later in the evening if you’re exploring the city during the day.

You can get a 1-month subscription or check what other packages they have. Maybe you can find something for a shorter period of time if 4 weeks is too much.

In some cities, you can even find free outdoor gyms! Yep, that’s a thing! Barcelona has a few of these and I’m sure other big cities have too, so make sure you look for one, wherever you’re going.

These are great for those of you traveling on a budget who want to keep fit while not paying a lot for gyms and studios.

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3. Walk between attractions

Yulia, the founder of this website, wearing a dark dress walks down a tree-lined path in a formal garden.

Cheap and effective!

If you want to stay fit while on holiday, consider walking between attractions and not using public transport.

This is a great way to save some money and also to stay fit as you’ll burn so many calories if you walk all day long!

But when doing this I recommend a few things:

  • wearing super comfortable shoes
  • dress appropriately for the season (if it’s too sunny, definitely wear a hat and if it’s too cold, a beanie or something like that)
  • take some short breaks
  • drink lots of water
  • carry just a small bag with necessities 

4. Go for a run in the morning

A person in athletic clothing runs up a staircase outdoors near a body of water, with the sun low in the sky.

Do we have any runners among us?

Running may be one of the best ways to keep fit while on holiday!

It doesn’t cost a thing, it won’t take too much of your time and by the time you’re done, your endorphins are throwing such a big party that you’ll feel amazing the whole day.

Whether you prefer to run out in a park, on the beach or along the city streets, it’s up to you! But this will definitely keep you fit while you’re traveling and improve your energy levels, too.

As with any physical activity, I’d recommend doing it in the morning, but if you don’t have the time then any time of the day works.

5. Schedule in time for a quick work-out

A person doing a yoga pose on a mat in a living room with a laptop nearby, while a large dog lies on the carpeted floor next to them.

As you start planning your holiday I’d recommend fitting into it a small window with a time designated for a quick work-out.

Planning in advance always helps, as you’ll know for sure that at “Wednesday at 8PM I’m doing my work-out”. I find that when I don’t schedule in time or just plan out my days, especially on holiday, everything becomes super hectic.

So as you’re booking attraction tickets and deciding what you’ll do, make sure you reserve 30 min to 1h for a quick work-out!

Again, the way I make sure that I stay on track with my physical routine is by scheduling everything in the morning.

6. Eat healthy food

A table set with a variety of healthy dishes, including a salad with avocado and chicken.

I know that when you’re on holiday you want to indulge in the local cuisine, especially if you’re going to a place like Italy, France or any other destinations that are known for their mouth-watering food!

I’m definitely not saying that you shouldn’t do that, my only advice would be to not overindulge and have at least a healthy meal a day (or every 2 days).

That could be vegetables, soups, fruits, or any other dish that your body can easily digest and also that has nutrients.

I’ve noticed that when I don’t eat some vegetables or food that contains probiotics, while on holiday I tend to get tired more easily and my body isn’t very happy either.

Healthy food helps with your energy levels and also keeps you fit!

7. Build a work-out routine that you can do anywhere

A person in a purple outfit stretches on a wooden floor, holding their foot with both hands while sitting with one leg extended.

If you love quick workouts that are diverse and made of different exercises, my advice is to build one that’s quick and that you can do anywhere!

I have one that I do at home, made of different sets of lunges, planks, push-ups, crunches and some other exercises. You can totally adapt this to your needs and preferences.

If you’re not sure where to start or which types of exercises to do, you can also look for some workout routines on YouTube. You can find lots of short and fun routines that you can do inside your hotel room, or even in a park, the beach, or wherever you feel comfortable.

8. Go for a swim

A swimmer performs a butterfly stroke in an indoor competition pool, with lane dividers on both sides and red flags overhead.

Swimming can help you burn a lot of calories, not to mention that it’s super fun, relaxing and does wonders for your health!

If you’re someone who enjoys a swim once in a while, then I’d definitely try this while on holiday!

Lots of hotels have a pool where you can swim, or if you’re going for a beach holiday you can swim there all day long! And if those 2 options are not available try looking for a local swimming pool.

Usually, you can find some in the gyms, or maybe at a spa center.

9. Rent a bicycle to explore around

Two people riding bicycles in front of the eiffel tower.

I think that cycling is one of the best ways to explore a city!

Not only do you get to see so much of it, but you also feel like a kid again, back when your days were filled with play time and riding your bike (at least that’s how mine were).

Plus, you get to burn all those calories from last night’s dinner! Cycling helps you stay fit and while on holiday the best option is to rent a bike and just explore until your legs burn!

Depending on what you prefer you can get an electric bike (which doesn’t require as much effort) or a normal bicycle.

If you’re headed to a city, you’ll likely find countless spots from where you can rent a bike. But if you’re going to smaller towns you can look on Google as there are usually some shops that sell bikes but also rent out some. Or if you can’t find anything on that, talk to the staff at your accommodation as they’ll be able to help you out.

10. Pack sport gear

Yoga essentials including a pink mat, a sports bra, leggings, yoga blocks, and a resistance band neatly arranged on a surface.

I always pack some sort of sports gear wherever I’m going on holiday because then I’ll know for sure that when I do that, I won’t find any excuses to avoid working out while traveling.

I’ve noticed that when I don’t pack anything, it’s easier to find excuses on why I shouldn’t go for a run or do some yoga, because I’ll say that I don’t have the proper clothes.

So even if it’s something small, it’s good to bring it with, just in case!

Here are some of the things you can always have in your bag, for your workouts:

  • Leggings
  • Sports bra & top
  • A pair of sneakers

11. Get a workout app or watch YouTube videos

A laptop on a wooden table showing a person in exercise attire performing a yoga pose.

Having someone coaching you, even if it’s virtually, is always super helpful! You’ll feel much more motivated, plus it’s always great to have someone else do the counting and tell you what exercise to do next, as you can focus on just the doing!

The free way to do this is to find some YouTube videos with a trainer doing the exercises while also explaining what to do, or you can download a workout app, which will cost some money and offer a wider range of exercises and routines.

Here are some of the best work-out apps out there that you can try out:

12. Go hiking

Two people hiking up a rocky path.

Want to take some cool pics, admire a stunning view while also staying on top of your fitness routine?

Then hiking is definitely for you, my friend!

You don’t have to go in the woods or climb a mountain, as most cities will have some sort of hiking trails.

Hiking is great as it definitely burns a lot of calories while building some muscle, especially in your legs. Just make sure you’re wearing comfortable shoes and appropriate clothes.

If you’re not sure where to find the best hiking trails near you, check out the AllTrails website. You can type in the name of your city, and you’ll get all the trails near that place. They’re also categorized so you can choose between ones that are for hiking, running, dog-friendly, wheelchair-friendly and many others.

FAQs about fitness tips for travelers

The founder of the website, Yulia, rides bicycles on a city street, with buildings and street signs in the background. The leading cyclist, wearing a leather jacket and sunglasses, gestures with a peace sign.

🏃‍♀️‍How to keep working out on vacation?

Some of the ways you can keep working out while on holiday is to schedule in time for a quick workout, go on a run, go hiking, or rent out a bike to explore the city.

🥗 What do you do to stay healthy while traveling?

Try to eat some vegetables and fruits and drink lots of liquids. You can also opt to eat at home and cook for yourself, that way you’ll know for sure the food is good!

Final thoughts on fitness tips for travelers

The writer of the post silhouetted against a sunset, doing a yoga stretch by the water with city buildings in the background.

I hope this post with the best fitness tips for travelers helped you find some ways that you can stay on top of your workout routines while on holiday!

I know it’s not always easy to find the motivation, so whenever you feel like not doing anything and ditching your workout, just come back to this post and give it a quick read.

I’ve included lots of easy and holiday-friendly things that you can try out.

Have fun exploring the world and staying healthy! If you have any other suggestions on how to stay fit while traveling, share them with us in the comment section below and I’ll make sure to answer as soon as I can.

Happy exploring,


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A person checking a smartwatch while wearing earphones. The text reads, "Staying fit and healthy when you travel." Below are fitness gear including a yoga mat, water bottle, and laptop.

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Two women wearing backpacks raise their arms in celebration on a hiking trail with mountains in the background. Text on image reads "12 Top Fitness Tips for Travelers. misstourist.com.

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